
Jalen Pauley
2 min readSep 13, 2020

I want you to think back to the time when you were 17. Most seventeen-year-olds are focusing on enjoying their young adult adolescence but apparently Trump Jr. thinks killing people is just apart of the some the stupid things seventeen-year-olds do. This past week Donald Trump Jr. made a guest appearance on ExtraTv and talked about the black lives matter movement, racial unrest, and Rittenhouse, who is charged with killing two men at a peaceful Wisconsin demonstration last month. Trump Jr sounded much like his father justifying Rittenhouse’s actions by saying “But we all do stupid things at 17.”

Trump JR speaks on ExtraTv.

How people continue to support Trump and the people around him baffles me. I have never followed an entire campaign as I have this one but this doesn’t seem like the energy you would want around. The message that speech sent to the voters of the country says they’re okay with people going into crowds shooting other people. Unfortunately, there will still be people who support President Trump and will rush to the ballot to ensure his second term.

This week the story of how Republicans are knocking on doors and Democrats aren’t has begun an interesting conversation. President Trump’s campaign says it knocks on a million doors a week. Joe Biden’s campaign hasn’t knocked on any doors to talk to voters for months. In lieu of in-person meetings, Democrats are focused on conversations they can have virtually. Democrats believe that they can have more success doing over the phone conversations because of the current state the nation is in right now. “What we’re finding is that we are able to actually connect and reach more people than we had been in previous cycles through the phone,” Ritner said.

Biden Campaign posting campaign signs

I personally feel like reaching out to people virtually has more of an effect than door to door, but not by a lot. Because of COVID, people are hesitant to converse with others they don’t know or absolutely don’t have to talk to. This helps the democratic party not only reach more voters but limit the spread of the virus. The only problem I have with virtual conversations is how many people will actually answer the phone? I get about 10 telemarketing calls a day and they all have the same numbers. What if you think the calls will be more effective and you can’t even get people to pick up the phone? This is something the Democrat party has to think about.

